EverYthing helPful

Saturday 1 October 2016


Need of ROOT in smartphone
Some of the common reason behind root are Unlock the hidden features of your smartphone and extend the ability of your smartphone. Your Android is much more then you think, certain features of your smartphone are hidden by your manufacturer. So to able that feature you have to root your Android first.

1. Unlock hidden features::
                                             Some of the features of your smartphone are hidden by the manufacturer like... Open the developer options, speed up your Android etc. Without root you can't access these features because these are illegal.

2. Install "In compatible app ::
                                          Sometimes we need to install some incompatible app that are not for our Android and maybe illegal. So, To install allthese type of app you need to root your and first. Some of the app that requires root permission are... Androdumpper( a wifi hacking app) apphidder( hide your app ) etc. Root will make incompatible app to compatible.

3. To use advance features of some app::
                               There are some app like Tasker, we cannot use all the features of this app because to use all the features of this app we have to access the root permission from our Android.
So, if you want to get the full benefit of an app like Tasker, you'll definitely want to root your phone.

4. Boost phone speed and  battery::
                              Yes, you hear the right you can increase the speed of your smartphone after rooting your phone. Their are some app that will work on ROOTED devices. These app automatically clean app chach, boost memory, etc. You can use the app with indoot device but with root—as always—you have even more power. For example, with an app like SetCPU you can overclock your phone for better performance, or underclock it for better battery life. You can also use an app like Greenify to automatically hibernate apps you aren't using—perfect for those apps that always want to run in the background when you're not looking.

5. Block ads in any  app::
                                       You can block the ads of any app if your device is rooted. We need sometime this because ads will use our data, increase the Time period of open a app. App that will work perfectly for block ads are lucky patcher, Adfree, AdBlock plus.

6. Uninstall preinstall app::
                                  Their are some app on your Android that are not useful for you or you not use these app then you you can delete those app by rooting your smartphone. Because sometimes preinstall app decrease rom and slow your app. Sometimes preinstall app are annoying by automatic work in background. Sometimes upload your data on Internet so, to delete that type of app you need to root your phone.

7. Flash a custom Kernel :::-
                                   Something we need to flash a custom Kernel for our Android, so to flash a kernel of your interest you have to download your device. The kernel is responsible for helping your apps to communicate with the hardware of your phone, which means a custom kernel can give you better performance, increase battery life,  faster battery charging, and lsome other features according to your kernel and hardware.

8. Flash a custom ROM ::
                                 A custom ROM is basically a custom version of Android. You can change it if your device is rooted. Change a ROM means You can change your Android version from KitKat to lollipop and whatever you want by flashing a custom ROM.

9. Hack any Game::
                                  Sometime we need to increase the point in game to unlock some stage, unlock vehicle and some more. So to come over this you have to root your device first. Their are some app that will hack the game point and increase point as you wish. Lucky patcher is a app that will help you to hack a game.


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