EverYthing helPful

Tuesday 20 September 2016

What is PayPal? Let's know


PayPal is an online payment system that facilitates the exchange of money between shopping traders.
With PayPal, you can send and receive payments through the internet. Once you sign up for PayPal, you can send money to anyone with an email address using the money from your PayPal balance or another funding option of your choice.
PayPal is the world's largest online payment network.
PayPal is the preferred method of online. PayPal guaranteed to secure payment over the Internet with your credit card or bank account by taking your information once and then using that information to make payments to anyone.

How to use PayPal account

1 Create a PayPal account
2  Submit your credit card or bank account.
3 When you want to pay payment online, go to PayPal.com and login to your PayPal account.
4  Enter the email address of the person, you wish to make payment to and the amount you wish to pay.

5 PayPal will pay the amount as per your request you fill.

6 After paying the amount both sender and receiver receive email confirmation massage.
PayPal is a quick, ease and secure  process when you pay online.



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