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Saturday, 13 October 2018

Internet will shutdown for next 48 hours

Internet will shutdown for next 48 hours

If you are also among those who can not live without the internet, then there is a big news for you, because for the next 48 hours the internet service can be closed all over the world. Due to the maintenance of the main domain server, the Internet service can be kept closed for the next 48 hours.

Russia has said that its impact will be in the whole world. The report says that the main domain servers of the Internet and its associated network infrastructure may be down for some time. Russia claims that this maintenance will help to protect the Internet Address Book and Domain Name System (DNS).

It is being said that the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Maintenance Work will continue during this period. In this maintenance cryptography will be replaced. It is also claimed that after this maintenance Internet server will be more secure than before and it will be difficult to hack.

At the same time, the CRA (Communication Regulatory Authority) says that it is necessary to have a shutdown for some time in terms of Internet security. The report says that the network operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who will not accept this change will be affected. In this case, you can also get access to the Internet page and the problem of Internet slowdown can be up to 48 hours.

However, it is not possible to shut down the internet service all over the world, because the closure of the Internet can stop many services like railways, banking, which can damage billions. In such a situation, the internet service will not be stopped simultaneously in the whole world. It can be closed at different times, although there is no information about which country the Internet will be closed for when and for how long.



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